Cable-actuated robots have a lot of advantages in terms of weight, the similarity with muscle actuation, and flexible actuator positions. This robot can apply different forces or torques to assist or train patients with movement disorders. Especially, a cable-actuated robot is used to provide intervention on the pelvis for children with cerebral palsy who are presenting a gait pattern called crouch gait. The robot is applying a resistance force to target the weak muscles of these children to walk straighter.
Cable-actuated rehabilitation robotic device

I-PADL (Interactive Prosthetic Arm for Daily Living)

We are developing new types of prosthetic device that is light and simple for transradial limb absence. This device is designed to provide active wrist and grasping motions in harsh environments including liquid, dirt, and food. The controller detects shoulder motions from IMU and goniometer to activate wrist motion while EMG signals are collected to provide proper grasping to manipulate objects. This design is focused on a practical solution to translate the technology into the actual use of patients.
Low-cost devices for supporting natural motion of children with CP

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects all four extremities. In order to prevent unwanted motion like foot drop or hand paralysis in these children, one degree of freedom active system will be developed with low cost to support their active daily living. These devices will be designed to resist the unwanted motion by a smart brake mechanism to reduce the volume of the actuator and provide enough resistance to muscle contractions.
Intelligent wheel chairs for children with special needs

Early mobility of children is important because of high correlation with other functional developments. Intelligent wheelchair (a mobile robot that can map the environment, plan trajectories, and detect obstacles is used with a force-feedback joystick to enhance the socialization of children with special needs. The goal is to bring the children with special needs together with other children to mingle and play fun games with the help of the mobile robot.
Fundamental biomechanics of human motion
Smart wearable robots can be developed by an in-depth understanding of human biomechanics. For example, control methodologies should be created by human-centered aspects to be effective and robust. In order to develop a new type of wearable device, a thorough investigation of the human biomechanics is needed when biomechanical information is used as an input of a robotic system.

Body-in-the-loop control for an arm assist device

We are trying to explore the optimal assistance of an arm exoskeleton to maximize the comfort of the user. Control variables will be defined by collecting biomechanical parameters from the subject while conducting a reaching task. The body-in-the-loop controller will define the best amount of force to assist the arm motion while monitoring the task performance and effort during an online testing.