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A personalized enhanced feedforward force control detecting cyclic disturbance for gait rehabilitation robot

Jin-Woo Lee*, Sahil Kapahi*, Souvik Poddar, and Jiyeon Kang  

Multimodal gait rehabilitation training for Adults with cerebral palsy

Souvik Poddar, Lora Cavuoto, Jeanne Langan and Jiyeon Kang


Resist-as-needed ADL training with SPINDLE for patients with tremor

Nikhil T. Kantu, Ryan Osswald, Amit Kandel and Jiyeon Kang

IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 32 (2024) 1735–1748.


Development of a framework for estimating sarcopenia using vision-based pose estimation techniques and deep learning models for motion analysis

Kihyun Kim, Jaebeom Jo, and Jiyeon Kang

Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS), (2024) 752–753.


Prediction of ground reaction forces and joint torque through squatting motion with deep learning algorithm

Jaebeom Jo, Junhyoung Ha, and Jiyeon Kang

Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS), (2024) 123–124.


Adaptive resistance in robotic rehabilitation for enhanced upper limb function in stroke patients

Euiseo Yoon, Joon-Ho Shin, and Jiyeon Kang

Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS), (2024) 927–928.




Continuous joint velocity estimation using CNN-based deep learning for multi-DoF prosthetic wrist for activities of daily living

Zixia Meng and Jiyeon Kang

Front. Neurorobot., 17 (2023) 1185052




A transradial prosthesis with a high-functional wrist for various daily living task

Michael Kim and Jiyeon Kang

International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2023, 127–132



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A lightweight transradial prosthetic emulator for optimizing prosthetic wrist design

Souvik Poddar and Jiyeon Kang

IEEE Ras & Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRoB), 2022.



CNN-based controller for multi-DoF prosthetic wrist using sEMG data during activities of daily living

Mohamed Fazil, Zixia Meng, and Jiyeon Kang

IEEE Ras & Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRoB), 2022.


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Temporal and spatial goal-directed reaching in upper limb prosthesis users

Christina Lee, Michael A. Gonzalez, Jiyeon Kang, and Deanna H. Gates

Exp. Brain Res. 204 (2022) 3011–3021


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Adjustments in shoulder and back kinematics in repetitive palletizing task

Saeb R. Lamooki, Lora A. Cavuoto, and Jiyeon Kang

Sensors, 22 (2022) 5655


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A data analytic end-to-end framework for the automated quantification of ergonomics risk factors across multiple tasks using a single wearable sensor

Saeb R. Lamooki, Sahand Hajifar, Jiyeon Kang, Hongyue Sun, Fadel M. Megahed, and Lora A Cavuoto

Appl. Ergon. 102 (2022) 103732



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A cable-actuated prosthetic emulator for transradial amputees

Souvik Poddar, David Cummiskey, and Jiyeon Kang

International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021, 4529–4532


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Getting a grip on the impact of incidental feedback from body-powered and myoelectric prostheses

Michael Gonzalez, Christina Lee, Jiyeon Kang, R. Brent Gillespie, and Deanna H. Gates

IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 29 (2021) 1905 - 1912


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Acute effects of a perturbation-based balance training on cognitive performance in healthy older adults: A pilot study

Dario Martelli, Jiyeon Kang, Federica Aprigliano, Ursula M. Staudinger, and Sunil K. Agrawal

Front. Sports Act. Living 3 (2021) 688519


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A novel framework for designing a multi-DoF prosthetic wrist control using machine learning

Chinmay P. Swami, Nicholas Lenhard, and Jiyeon Kang

Sci. Rep. 11 (2021) 15050


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Personalized and nonparametric framework for detecting changes in gait cycles

Saeb R. Lamooki, Jiyeon Kang, Lora A. Cavuoto, Fadel M. Megahed, and L. Allison Jones-Farmer

IEEE Sens. J. 21 (2021) 19236–19246


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A novel 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Instrument for Daily Living Emulation (SPINDLE) for functional rehabilitation of patients with stroke

Peidong He, Nikhil Tej Kantu, Boxin Xu, Chinmay P. Swami, Ghazala T. Saleem, and Jiyeon Kang

Int. J. Adv. Robot. Syst. 18 (2021)



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Promoting functional and independent sitting in children with cerebral palsy using the robotic trunk support trainer

Victor Santamaria, Moiz Khan, Tatiana Luna, Jiyeon Kang, Joseph Dutkowsky, Andrew M Gordon, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 28 (2020) 2995–3004


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Spherical parallel instrument for daily living emulation (SPINDLE) to restore motor function of stroke survivor

Peidong He, Boxin Xu, and Jiyeon Kang

IEEE Ras & Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRoB), 2020, 364–369


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Challenges and opportunities for statistical monitoring of gait cycle acceleration observed from IMU Data for fatigue detection

Saeb R. Lamooki, Jiyeon Kang, Lora A. Cavuoto, Fadel M. Megahed, and L. Allison Jones-Farmer

IEEE Ras & Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRoB), 2020, 593–598



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A haptic object to quantify the effect of feedback modality on prosthetic grasping

Jiyeon Kang, Michael A. Gonzalez, R. Brent Gillespie, and Deanna H. Gates

IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. 4 (2019) 1101–1108


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Simulating hemiparetic gait in healthy subjects using TPAD with a closed-loop controller

Jiyeon Kang, Keya Ghonasgi, Conor J. Walsh, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 27 (2019) 974–983


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Walking with a weighted pelvic belt or with an equivalent pure downward force on the pelvis: are these different?

Keya Ghonasg, Jiyeon Kang, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. 4 (2019) 309–314


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Effects of repeated waist-pull perturbations on gait stability in subjects with cerebellar ataxia

Federica Aprigliano, Dario Martelli, Jiyeon Kang, Sheng-Han Kuo, Un J. Kang, Vito Monaco, Silvestro Micera, and Sunil K. Agrawal

J. Neuroeng. Rehabil. 16 (2019)



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Chapter 9. Robot enhanced walkers for training of children with cerebral palsy: pilot studies. In Encyclopedia of rehabilitation robotics

Jiyeon Kang and Sunil K. Agrawal

The Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics (World Scientific, Singapore), 2018, 217–240 


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A perturbation-based gait training with multidirectional waist-pulls generalizes to split-belt treadmill slips

Dario Martelli, Jiyeon Kang, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE Ras & Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRoB), 2018, 7–12


2011− 2017


Robot-driven downward pelvic pull to improve crouch gait in children with cerebral palsy

Jiyeon Kang, Dario Martelli, Vineet Vashista, Isis Martinez-Hernandez, Heakyung Kim, and Sunil K. Agrawal

Science Robotics 2 (2017) eaan2634. 


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On the adaptation of pelvic motion by applying 3-dimensional guidance forces using TPAD

Jiyeon Kang, Vineet Vashista, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng. 25 (2017) 1558–1567


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Adaptation of stability during perturbed walking in Parkinson's disease

Dario Martelli, Lan Luo, Jiyeon Kang, Un J. Kang, Stanley Fahn, and Sunil K. Agrawal

Sci. Rep. 7 (2017) 17875 


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Enhancing seated stability using trunk support trainer (TruST)

Moiz Khan, Victor Santamaria, Jiyeon Kang, Brian Bradley, Joseph P. Dutkowsky, Andrew M. Gordon, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. 2 (2017) 1609–1616


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Design and preliminary evaluation of a multi-robotic system with pelvic and hip assistance for pediatric gait rehabilitation

Evelyn J. Park, Jiyeon Kang, Hao Su, Paul Stegall, Daniel L. Miranda, Wen-Hao Hsu, Mustafa Karabas, Nathan Phipps, Sunil K. Agrawal, Eugene C. Goldfield, and Conor J. Walsh

IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICoRR), 2017, pp. 332–339


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A single session of perturbation-based gait training with the A-TPAD improves dynamic stability in healthy young subjects

Dario Martelli, Jiyeon Kang, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICoRR), 2017, pp. 479–484


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Robot-enhanced mobility training of children with cerebral palsy: short-term and long-term pilot studies

Sunil K. Agrawal, Jiyeon Kang, Xi Chen, Mi Jung Kim, Youngmyung Lee, Sang Won Kong, Hyungpil Cho, and Gyung-Jin Park

IEEE Syst. J. 10 (2016) 1098–1106


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A novel assist-as-needed control method to guide pelvic trajectory for gait rehabilitation

Jiyeon Kang, Vineet Vashista, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICoRR), 2015, pp. 630–635


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A chase-game to teach children on a robot to follow moving objects

Jiyeon Kang, Samuel Logan, James C. Galloway, and Sunil K. Agrawal

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014, pp. 234–239


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Case studies of a robot enhanced walker for training of children with cerebral palsy

Sunil K. Agrawal, Jiyeon Kang, Xi Chen, Mi Jung Kim, Youngmyung Lee, Sang Won Kong, and Gyung-Jin Park

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IRoS), 2013, pp. 4243–4248


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On the comfortableness of muscle power assistive robotic system

Jiyeon Kang, Keehoon Kim, Sin Jung Kim, and Sang Rok Oh

IEEE Ras & Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRoB), 2012, pp. 1759–1764


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Minimum heat loss control of fluid-powered systems

Jiyeon Kang and Frank C. Park

International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2011, pp. 1383–1387


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