비젼 기반 토크 추정 및 고령 인구 근력 약화 판별 플랫폼 개발
뇌손상 환자를 위한 운동능 회복을 위한 뉴럴 인터페이스 개발

We are developing a system for estimating torque through multi-view vision to facilitate ongoing monitoring of the elderly population for potential sarcopenia. A lot of cameras are embedded in our daily living environment (TV, robot vacuum, air conditioner, etc.). Ambient monitoring will be configured using these cameras to monitor the health of the elderly. To calculate joint torque, we employ a biomechanics simulator (OpenSim) combined with AI, aiming to establish a specialized metric for detecting and assessing sarcopenia.
We aim to develop a platform that applies optimized stimuli based on feedback between the central and peripheral nervous systems. For this, we will create an interface that detects neural signals and induces synchronized stimuli to enhance motor skills of individuals with neurological movement disorders. This neural interface will reactivate and redesign the damaged neural circuits or employing bypass circuits through brain plasticity.

다자유도 의수 에뮬레이터 및 맞춤형 Human-in-the-loop 알고리즘 개발
This research develops a prosthetic emulator that allows adjustment of design parameters such as DoF and weight. The cable-actuated emulator features a Human-in-the-loop (HITL) framework to optimize prosthetic designs through quantifiable metrics, focusing on both physical and cognitive user responses. This novel emulator will guide the personalized selection of optimal prostheses for amputee users.

SPINDLE 병렬 로봇을 이용한 환자 맞춤형 Resist-as needed 알고리즘 개발
Spherical Parallel INstrument for Daily Living Emulation (SPINDLE) trains daily living tasks of individuals with neurological movement disorders. The system offers personalized resistance levels using a resist-as-needed strategy. A new game-based training approach is proposed to tailor to various intensities, enhancing manual dexterity, and muscle strength of patients with neurological movement disorders.